
Many of our guests have specialized dietary concerns including severe food allergies or 乳糜泻 and require food and service to be clear of allergen cross-contact (when one food comes into contact with another food and their proteins mix).

In the self-service environment of multiple food stations along with the variety of ways food is prepared, UNH 餐厅 has additional provisions in place to attend to the needs of guests with specialized needs or food allergies, 从下面提到的几个自导航工具和其他支持选项开始.



积极的计划是安全导航餐饮选择的重要组成部分. 帮助你找到合适的膳食选择, 用餐提供了几种了解所提供食物的方法.

  • 预览菜单项 -预览食堂菜单项, 过敏原, 我们所有食堂食品站的循环菜单上的其他信息每10天发布一次. 预览选项可以通过 UNH餐饮网站 或者是 联合国卫生组织移动应用程序.
  • 检查图标 - 图片图标代表被指定为素食的项目, 素食者, Gluten-Friendly, 清真和指导之星评级.
  • 检查过敏原信息 -  Allergen information shows in text format on the web menus and mobile app for items containing any of the top 9 过敏原 (milk, 蛋, 鱼, 贝类, 花生, 树坚果, 小麦, 大豆, 芝麻)和面筋, 猪肉和酒精.
  • 使用Set Filters视图设置 - 可选的过滤器视图设置菜单(过敏原,麸质)在我们的 UNH餐饮网站 或者是 联合国卫生组织移动应用程序.
  • 检查食谱的全部成分
    •  可用 在网页上查看一天的菜单. 选择 “分析”菜单 button by any meal header and then click on the name of any listed menu item to reveal ingredient information and nutrition facts based on the standardized recipes.
    • 在联合国儿童基金会的移动应用程序上选举 “吃饭”中,选择 “按地点选择菜单” (然后选择日期和用餐时间)并选择 “营养信息”. 点击任何菜单项的名称(这将显示营养成分,全部成分和过敏原状态).
  • 创建一份膳食报告 - 营养al analysis and full recipe ingredients option to create a meal report or get 营养 事实 and full ingredients/过敏原 for specific recipes.

  • 了解日常用品日常用品的信息(面包、调味品、特色酒吧等).),以及对特定产品的查询, 品牌, manufacturer ingredients and allergen status can be addressed by asking for a supervisor or 经理 on site 或者是 dietitian. 我们很高兴提供参观我们的厨房和存储区域. 进一步的符号:
    • 可以选择不含乳制品的牛奶和不含乳糖的牛奶.
    • 花生酱,能多益,核桃在一个区域.
    • Pesto purchased does not contain pine nuts; Pad Thai recipes use sunflower seeds instead of 花生.
  • 和营养师谈谈 -如果您需要帮助选择餐饮,请致电603-862-2583.


  • 访问数字菜单板 - Located at food stations in the dining halls to identify menu items and information such as portion size, 一些营养成分, 素食者, 或者是素食主义者, 9种潜在过敏原中的任何一种, 猪肉, 酒精, 清真, 麸质状态, 和指导星评级. 信息是从具有特定成分和程序的标准化食谱中生成的. 要了解完整的成分信息,请随时询问或参考 联合国卫生组织移动应用程序, 下面的餐饮菜单 “营养信息” 或者询问主管或经理.  
  • 寻求帮助 -如果你有问题或需要帮助, 请让任何食堂工作人员与主管交谈, 经理, 营养师或厨师.

作为Holloway Commons和Philbrook食堂的标准功能, UNH提供过敏原友好型和麸质友好型自助服务站.

  • Allergen-Friendly站 - holloway Commons和Philbrook Hall
    Featuring a rotating menu of s选举ions prepared with ingredients that do not contain gluten 或者是 9 most common food 过敏原: milk, 鸡蛋, 鱼, 贝类, 树坚果, 花生, 小麦, 大豆, 和芝麻. 请注意,这些车站对所有客人开放. 为减少过敏原交叉接触的风险,引导客人使用空的, 选择食物时要清洁盘子,不要让其他工位的食物进入这个区域. A作为自助食品站,存在交叉接触的风险. 对于严格的过敏原问题,请咨询可以帮助您的经理,请参阅下面的部分。”请求任何没有交叉接触的菜单项 ".
  • 谷蛋白友好补充站 Holloway Commons和Philbrook Hall
    These self-serve stations feature supplemental items including a refrigerator/freezer with an assortment of gluten-free packaged products such as gluten-free breads, 甜点, 单独分配的花生酱, 奶油芝士, 果冻, 和更多的. 这些区域也有一些专用设备,仅供谷蛋白友好使用. A作为自助食品站,存在交叉接触的风险. 对于严格的过敏原问题,请咨询可以帮助您的经理,请参阅下面的部分。”请求任何没有交叉接触的菜单项 ".

对食物过敏或患有乳糜泻的客人, 安全的膳食准备需要消除特定的过敏原 cross-contact (一种食物与另一种食物接触或混合在一起 蛋白质混合)和自助环境增加了交叉接触的潜在危险. 永利app新版本官网地址交叉接触,请遵循以下预防措施:

  • 查看所有菜单 -  检查定期和预定的特别活动菜单的全部成分和过敏原信息 联合国卫生组织移动应用程序 or 网络餐饮菜单 选择适合自己需要的食物.
  • 请求帮助并分开吃 - 当你到达食堂时,找一位主管, 经理, 或厨师,告诉他们你的食物过敏或特殊需求. One will meet you and obtain portions of your designated items using separate utensils from back up items that have not come in contact with the self-service line. 另外, separate pans and utensils are available for our Stir Fry and Omelet stations for allergen needs and/or 素食者 and vegan requests.
  • 请求住宿 学生 with food allergies or other conditions that may impact dining are encouraged to register for accommodations through 学生无障碍服务 (SAS).

肾上腺素笔政策 All dining halls have on site 2 adult-dose epinephrine pens for anaphylaxis emergency use by trained personnel.

  • In 2015 the state of New Hampshire brought into law Senate Bill (SB) 194 and guidance was provided by the NH Department of 健康 and Human Services to post-secondary educational institutions for policy development in accordance with this bill – f或者是 emergency administration of epinephrine by trained personnel to a member of the campus community for anaphylaxis when a licensed campus medical professional is not available.
  • UNH 餐厅 at the 永利app新版本官网地址 chose to be an active participant for ease of access of emergency epinephrine in collaboration with UNH 健康 & 健康 to create a department policy to implement this program f或者是 dining halls and to purchase epinephrine auto-injectors for quicker access to epinephrine in case of a food- allergic emergency.
  • 一如既往地, it is important for guests with food allergies prescribed with their own epinephrine pen to have it with them all the time.
  • 免责声明 - Food-allergic guests and those with specific nutrition concerns should speak with a dining hall 经理 and the Registered Dietitian for individual assistance 根据需要,通过学生无障碍服务(SAS)申请住宿。.
    • It is the responsibility of guests with food allergies and those with specific nutrition concerns to make the final judgement on whether or not to question ingredients, 程序, 或者选择吃选定的食物.  
    • While UNH 餐厅 does not have gluten-free nor allergen-free kitchens and main serving lines (dining hall and retail locations), we strive to meet all of our guests’ needs by providing as much information as possible about food ingredients, 制备标准, 以及我们的设施如何满足特定的营养需求.
    • 成分和营养成分可能会有所不同. Manufacturers may change their product formulation or consistency without our knowledge and product availability may fluctuate. 虽然我们尽一切努力识别营养数据和过敏原信息, 我们不能保证不发生意外事件.
    • “Gluten-Friendly” -不含麸质成分的食品. 这些项目在车站菜单板、网页菜单和UNH移动应用程序上标有绿色GF标志.  查看我们员工准备的项目, manufacturer ingredient labels have been reviewed and some do not have a certified gluten-free seal and cross-contact risk exists. 如果需要,请索取产品成分标签以供最终审查.
    • “过敏原友好” - foods prepared exclusively with ingredients that do not contain gluten n或者是 9 most common food 过敏原: milk, 鸡蛋, 鱼, 贝类, 树坚果, 花生, 小麦, 大豆, 和芝麻在过敏源友好食品站. 使用指定的、单独的器具和配料时要小心,并遵循最佳做法. 尽管在准备这些物品时采取了预防措施, 它们仍然是在一个设施中准备的,在生产其他菜肴时使用多种原料. 而预防措施和程序将大大降低风险, 交叉接触的可能性仍然存在.
    • 自助食品站有交叉接触的风险. For strict allergen concerns please ask a 经理 who can assist you in obtaining additional food options.


Reach out to set a meeting with the Registered Dietitian at UNH 餐厅 to learn all the options to safely dine in our foodservice operations: 603-862-2583.

  • 如果你有食物过敏, 乳糜泻, 或者其他特殊的饮食需求, 并且想要求住宿, 请联系 学生无障碍服务. SAS可以帮助您完成三步住宿流程(在SAS注册), 提交文档, 与特别安全顾问会面).
  • Guests seeking additional meal accommodations such as custom meal ordering or individualized menus are required to register with 学生无障碍服务 (SAS) and provide the appropriate documentation.
  • 发起的过程是学生的责任,是一个互动的过程, 学生之间的协作过程, 餐饮服务(营养师, 厨师, 管理人员)和学生无障碍服务.
  • 一旦获得SAS的预先批准, meal accommodation options are individualized and may include personalized menus or pre-ordering options.